Incubating products for
a better future.

S P A C E is our response to our mission of making work better for a new world. Our product studio is where we create space (get it?!) to play, experiment with and solve problems that matter.

Of course, we eat our own dog food here. Not all ideas make the cut.

We have a structured funnel that captures problems worth solving from our team, our customers, the startup network and through our public program and of course those unexpected conversations with the person we sat next to on the plane. Not many make it through to the prototype phase but when they do we build and launch our own products.

That's why S P A C E is cool. Not everything gets to venture there but when it does we gain perspective and excitement about products that make work better for a new world.

Watch this space for updates on our product experiments and opportunities to collaborate.

Talk to a Human

Give us a call about S P A C E if you are interested in learning more, we would love to connect.